Reform Newsletter // November
Award – Burge Street, Vaucluse
Located in the heart of Vaucluse, this luxury development has been masterfully designed by Koichi Takada Architects. We are grateful to Aspire Developments for the opportunity and are excited to deliver this quality project.

Reform Newsletter // November
Award – Aitken Avenue, Queenscliff
Sitting atop Manly Lagoon with views over Queenscliff beach, demolition of the 3-storey red brick building has begun, making way for a new 3-apartment luxury development. Designed by Breakspear Architects, working once again with WT Malouf and their partners Vanora Properties, we cannot wait to see this amazing building rise from its sandstone foundations.

Reform Newsletter // November
Award – Victoria Road, Bellevue Hill
We are excited to announce that Reform has been awarded the contract to build this amazing residence in the heart of the Bellevue Hill. Overlooking the Eastern Suburbs, this 3-storey environmentally conscious home is set to commence this month with Geothermal boring works, starting the clock for a programmed early-2023 finish.

Reform Newsletter // November
Update – Roker Street, Cronulla
The Reform team on our Contour, Cronulla project has been working hard against the clock (and the weather) to successfully complete the structure top out last week. With fit out on ground floor already commenced, the finish line is now in view and we are thrilled to be handing over early 2022.
Post-COVID Update
The Delta strain hitting our shores has had an overwhelming emotional toll on our communities, our families, and our friends. No industry and no community have remained unscathed during the last two years – construction included.
Reform Projects took this period of uncertainty head on, ploughing forth and hiring a further ten employees since July. Our newest employees consist of four Site Managers, two Project Engineers, a Contracts Administrator, Estimator, Graduate, and an Undergrad.
We warmly welcome all our new team and cannot wait to see what the future holds for Reform Projects.